Ex SKA Monetarium FPL 55, spring 1991, 30 and Hess-Leu 19, 12-13 April 1962, 125
Los 32
SICILY. Lilybaion (as ‘Cape of Melkart’). Circa 330-305 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 27 mm, 16.83 g, 11 h). 𐤓𐤔𐤌𐤋𐤒𐤓 ('RŠMLQR' in Punic) Charioteer driving quadriga galloping to right, holding kentron in his left hand and reins in his right; above, Nike flying left, crowning the charioteer with a wreath. Rev. Head of Tanit-Persephone to right, wearing wreath of grain leaves, triple-pendant earring and pearl necklace; around, three dolphins. BMC 15 (same obverse die). Boston MFA 269 (same obverse die). Jenkins, Punic, 50.1 (this coin, illustrated on pl. 19, O18/R38). SNG Lloyd 1601 (same obverse die). Beautifully toned and of lovely Punic style, with a fine head of Tanit-Persephone. Some edge cracks and the obverse struck from the usual slightly worn die, otherwise, about extremely fine.

From the collection of the renowned Swiss architect Max Vogt (1925-2019), ex Schweizerische Kreditanstalt Monetarium FPL 55, spring 1991, 30 and Hess-Leu 19, 12-13 April 1962, 125.
3500 CHF
2800 CHF
2800 CHF
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